Author: venizelos_foundation

Awards and grants to promote the research and study of the work and the time of Eleftherios Venizelos and the modern Greek and European history of the 19th-20th c....

Projects of digital culture [vc_separator type='normal' position='left' color='' thickness='2' up='10' down='10'] i.  "A digital journey to Eleftherios Venizelos’ Crete” (Operational Programme CRETE 2014-2020). Ultimate Beneficiary: National Research Foundation "Eleftherios K. Venizelos". Collaborating Institute: Chania...

Research programmes [vc_separator type='normal' position='left' color='' thickness='2' up='10' down='10'] I. Cretan Portrait 19th - 20th century The programme aims at gathering, in the form of a data base, detailed biographic data on historical...

Elena Skylitsi Stephanovich was born in London in 1874. The Skylitsi family, coming from Chios Island, was among the wealthier families of London’s Greek community. She was beautiful, intelligent, educated,...

During the academic year 2007-2008, the National Research Foundation “Eleftherios K. Venizelos” established the “Elena Venizelou” prize, which is awarded to the student (of any music instrument) who will be...

In order to promote the research on the work and era of Eleftherios Venizelos, the National Research Foundation “Eleftherios K. Venizelos” gave the award "Emmanuel Emm. Mihailakis” during the academic...

In accordance with its Charter, the Foundation offers grants for the conduct of projects in Greek universities in order to promote distinguished scientific research relating to the life, work and...

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