Conference “Eleftherios Venizelos as a lawyer” (Hania, 07-09.07.2001).

Conference “Eleftherios Venizelos as a lawyer” (Hania, 07-09.07.2001).

The Foundation and the Faculty of Law of the University of Athens organised a conference on the topic “Eleftherios Venizelos as a lawyer”, in Hania (July 7-9, 2001).
The papers of lawyers and academics that participated in the conference were based on two topics: Venizelos’ activity as a lawyer and as a Legal Counselor in Crete and the presentation of the legislative work of his governments aiming at the creation of a modern, democratic and well-governed State, characterised by social equality and justice.
The conference was organised under the auspices of the Greek Parliament and with the support of the Bar Association of Hania and the Institute of Cretan Law.

International Conference "The Salonica theatre of operations and the outcome of World War I" (Thessaloniki, 16-19.04.2002).

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